What We do
Small Claims Court
Paralegals are licensed by the Law Society to represent the public in the Ontario Small Claims Court, where the maximum claim allowed is $25,000.00.
Small Claims Court deals primary with claims that can be stated in monetary terms, whether it be for an unpaid loan or invoice or for negligence causing damage of some sort or another. Negligence can include both fraudulent transactions as well as carelessness causing damage.
Alexander Rawana Associates LLP has over twenty years combined experience in the drafting of both claims and defences as well as in the guiding of the client through the often complex rules and procedures involved in successfully winning the award, or conversely defending against a claim brought against them.
Among our hundreds of clients have been lawyers, contractors, homeowners, business owners, consumers, lenders and borrowers.
Our corporate culture is to build trust with our clients so that as much as possible we can relieve them of the stress they must be experiencing when they come to our office, and they can have confidence going forward that we will take the worry off their hands.
Landlord and Tenant Board
Paralegals are licensed by the Law Society to appear before the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board which deals with disputes between landlords and tenants pursuant to the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act.
Alexander Rawana Associates LLP have over 40 years experience in this field and have represented both landlords and tenants with great success over the years in both the simplest of cases to the highly complex involving multi day hearings and many witnesses.
Perhaps no other area of law is so naturally adversarial as that between property owners and their tenants. Often the mutual benefit they derive from their relationship is thrown out the window when issues arise. While it is our corporate culture to explore all possibilities of assisting the parties to get the tenancy back on track, we are also quite adept and knowledgeable about how to terminate the relationship and get people on their way in the most efficient and economical manner if the situation demands it.
Provincial Offences
Paralegals are licensed by the Law Society to represent members of the public in matters that have been scheduled under the Provincial Offences Act, which can include charges under the Highway Traffic Act, the Compulsory Insurance Act, as well as offences under various municipal by-laws. Paralegals are not permitted to represent members of the public in any charge in which the client’s liberty may be taken away.
Alexander Rawana Associates LLP will guide the client through the process, obtain disclosure, and communicate with the Crown Prosecutor and help the client understand what “deals” may be available for the client and counsel the client on the advisability of proceeding to trial or not. Unless the client elects to have the matter tried, the client will not be required to appear in court.
Workers Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
Paralegals are licensed by the Law Society to represent members of the public before the Workers Safety and Insurance Board and other related tribunals under the Social Justice Tribunal of Ontario.
Alexander Rawana Associates LLP have over 35 years experience in this jurisdiction. Typically, we get involved at the appeal level once the WSIB or other tribunal has made a determination with which the client is dissatisfied.
We understand the often dire situation the client may find him or herself in when a claim has been denied or is seriously deficient. Our corporate culture is to build trust with our clients so that as much as possible we can relieve them of the stress they must be experiencing when they come to our office, and they can have confidence going forward that we will take the worry off their hands and fight for the benefits that they deserve.
Established and licensed in 2008, Alexander Rawana Associates LLP Licensed Paralegal Services is committed to providing professional legal representation to the general public at a fair and reasonable price.
WHAT WE DO: Small Claims Court, Landlord and Tenant Board, Workers Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Provincial Offences.
WHERE WE GO: Hamilton, Belleville, Brampton, Brantford, Burlington, Cambridge, Cayuga, Guelph, Haldimand, Halton, Kitchener, Mississauga, Oakville, Picton, St. Catharines, Simcoe, Toronto, and Welland.

Edwin Alexander has a Bachelor of Arts from Middlebury College in Vermont and Masters Degree from McMaster University, and has been a licensed real estate broker since 1977 and is the Broker of Record of Jag Realty Inc. He has recently been named as a Coach by the Law Society of Upper Canada.
He has appeared before the Landlord and Tenant Board and the Small Claims Court for over thirty-five years. His primary experience is in matters pertaining to real estate, tenancies, unpaid accounts and general contracting.
Dave Rawana
Dave Rawana has a Diploma from McMaster University in Occupational Health, a Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety from Mohawk College, and a Diploma in accounting from Park Business College 1972.
His primary experience is in occupational disease and injury arising out of the workplace. He has appeared before the following boards on behalf of clients since 1980: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal, Canada Pension Plan Tribunal (WSIAT), and Ontario Disability Support Program Hearing (ODSP)

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